Investing in a private school represents a significant financial investment for most families. The costs can be large, and since there are private schools that offer places to children as young as 2, parents who decide to take the public school route could be paying their child’s school fees for as many as 16 years. […]
more...If you’ve been looking into independent schools for your child, you’ve probably come across Steiner schools. After all, there are almost 30 of them across the UK, and over 1,000 world wide. But although many parents have heard of Steiner schools, they’re often a little unclear on what they actually are. If that’s you, don’t […]
more...There’s no avoiding it; private schools come at a cost. Regrettably, this puts private education totally out of reach for some families. For other parents, there’s a worry about the financial strain they’d put themselves under by committing to years of private school fees. It’s no wonder you’re probably asking yourself: can school fees be […]
more...Funding a private education is an enormous financial commitment for parents to undertake. If you’re considering a private school for your child, you must plan properly before you invest. If you don’t create a robust financial plan, there’s a chance you could line yourself up for financial hardship in the future. You might have to […]
more...As a parent it’s natural to want your child to have the very best education available. But where will you find that? For some families, it’s easy to choose between the local comprehensive school and an independent school filled with excellent teachers and top-flight facilities. But if you live near an outstanding state school, it […]
more...If you’ve started to consider a private education for your child, you’ve probably already looked at the cost of school fees. Depending on the school, the area, and whether your child would board, the price per term for a private school can vary hugely. For many parents, budget will play a role in selecting a […]
more...You probably know that private education in the UK can come with a hefty price tag. The costs of private schooling can vary dramatically, so if you’re set on sending your child to an independent school but you’re worried about feeling the pinch financially, it’s worth exploring all the options to reduce the burden on […]
more...Deciding whether to send your child to private school is a big financial decision. Can you really afford private school? Will you be able to fund private education for the whole of your child’s schooling? School fees vary drastically across the UK, so it’s important you do your research and understand the differences between private […]